Practice Ice

Practice Ice

Open practice ice is available to curlers who have completed a Learn to Curl class or have equivalent experience.

Scheduled sessions are listed at the bottom of this page. If you're looking for other practice times outside of the scheduled sessions, please review the following info:

  • Our club currently rents ice from Lakewood Ice on Thursdays at 7:45-10:15 p.m. and Saturdays at 7:40 p.m.-12:10 a.m.

  • On Thursdays, all 5 sheets are typically used for league play, but occasionally there may be an open sheet available for practice.

  • On Saturdays, we typically host league games and Learn to Curl classes that can take up all 5 sheets during early draw (7:40-9:55 p.m.), but sometimes there may be 1-2 open sheets. Practice ice is generally available during late draw (9:55 p.m.-12:10 a.m.).

  • If you'd like to inquire about scheduling practice ice on a particular Thursday or Saturday during the above-described times, please Contact Us and select General Inquiry.

Please be advised that our hockey arena ice is not level, and some sheets are substantially tilted towards another sheet. Please take care to employ a negative handle/release and adjust where you aim/release the rock as necessary to avoid your rocks ending up on an adjacent sheet.

Up to 4 players may be required to share a sheet, depending on sign-ups.

The cost is $30 per person for each time slot. Please sign up in advance by choosing an event below.


Lakewood Ice, 3975 Pixie Avenue  Lakewood, CA

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